How to install Nora Go on Mag Box
How to install Nora Go on Mag Box(Like Mag 254, Mag 256 Mag 410, etc)
Note: The NoraGo app is an application that requires a subscription from your service provider to view their contents. The NoraGo app does not have any content such as live channels, movies or radios. Setplex is the software development entity that has developed the NoraGo app which is built to be a media player for providers to offer their content to their end users.
Don’t have codes yet? The button below will direct you to the Nora Go Code Portal to generate your own code.
Step 1: Open Settings

Step 2: Then System Settings

Step 3: Servers…

Step 4: Then Portals

Step 5: On your remote, press the keyboard button. Type in Portal Name and Portal URL(select the fields)
Note: For Portal name, type in your Service Provider’s name to avoid confusion later on. For Portal URL you may try the link below. But it’s always a good idea to ask your service provider.

Step 6: On your remote again, press EXIT and go back to System settings.

Step 7: In the System settings, select Restart portal and hit OK or YES.

Step 8 : Loading portal… Please wait.

Step 9 : Done.

You need codes to activate the app. Hit the button below and get your own codes for FREE. Proceed to the next step below if you already have codes.
They will send your codes on your registed email straight to your INBOX. Sometimes, it maybe on your SPAM or JUNK folder.
[su_spoiler title=”Show sample email looks like” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle” anchor=”” class=””]Pay attention to encircled codes. Those are the info you need to activate the app depending on your device
Info above do NOT exist. And are different from what you will receive.[/su_spoiler]
Step 1: Once you placed your order and receive a confirmation email, ask help for support on how to activate the service on your Mag box.

Important Note: You’re done. Since this is a free trial, if you want to continue your subscription be sure to renew your free trial subscription before it expires so you don’t have to re-type codes and refresh your device.